Madeline Clark Frank - October 14

Weather and Climate Systems Seminar Evolution of coupled tropopause polar vortices and arctic cyclones prior to very rapid sea ice loss events   Madeline Clark Frank   Wednesday, October 14th 3:00pm   Join Google Meet: Meet Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations


October 14, 2020 - 3:00 pm


October 14, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Weather and Climate Systems Seminar

Evolution of coupled tropopause polar vortices and arctic cyclones prior to very rapid sea ice loss events


Madeline Clark Frank


Wednesday, October 14th



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The observed, amplified trend in Arctic warming is both well understood theoretically and reproduced in global climate models. However, those same climate models consistently underestimate the observed trend in Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) decline and fail to reproduce observed characteristics in Arctic cyclones. These disparities suggest that a deeper understanding the coupled interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice could improve both climate modeling and weather scale forecasting. Very rapid sea ice loss events (VRILEs) have been observed in conjunction with strong cyclones, such as the sea ice loss associated withe the “Great Arctic Cyclone” in August 2012. Additionally, composite means of the atmospheric conditions during a VRILE indicate the presence of a tropopause polar vortex (TPV) coupled with a surface cyclone. Those same composite means suggest there may be seasonal differences between how those systems evolve in the five days prior to the VRIL  E.