Climate and Renewable Energy

January 17, 2017
TR 8:30-9:45
METR 4553.001


Fiedler, Brian
Professor Emeritus


National Weather Center, Room 5600, 120 David L. Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072   View map


Spring 2017


Time: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:45
Room: NWC 5600
Instructor: Fiedler

Classroom time 8:30a-9:45a TR, NWC 5600.

There is no textbook. But links will be given to references relevant to the exercises.
The exercises are also the study guide and syllabus for the Tests and Final Exam.

Times for official Office Hours will be negotiated.

There are 2 schemes by which your final letter grade can be computed:

Scheme #1:
Test 1: Thursday 2/9 20%
Test 2: Thursday 3/9 20%
Test 3: Thursday 4/13 20%
Final Exam: Thursday 5/11 10:30-12:30 30%
Participation Points: 10%

Scheme #2: Final Exam: Thursday 5/11 10:30-12:30 100%
Grade thresholds: Your final letter grade is computed from the total score t=max(Scheme #1, Scheme #2) as:
A: t≥80.
B: 65.≤t< 80.
C: 50.≤t< 65.
D: 35.≤t< 50.
F: t< 35.

  • The greatest scientific principle: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transformations resources for human civilization
  • The carbon cycle of Planet Earth
  • The greenhouse effect and global warming
  • The global warming forecast
  • “climate change” past,present, and future
  • solar energy
  • wind energy
  • biofuels
  • other energy sources
  • economics of energy sources under environmental constraintsMandated syllabus statements
    Go here for mandated syllabus statements (