
NWC Colloquium Series

Time: Tuesday 4:00-5:30 Room: NWC 1313 Instructor: Fedorovich

Advanced topics in data assimilation:…

Time: Tuesday and Thursday 1:00-2:15 Room: NWC 5720 Instructor: Wang When and where:  Tuesday and Thursday 1:00-­‐2:15pm, NWC 5720 Office hours:  Tuesday 2:15-­‐3pm, NWC 5341 or upon email request Prerequisites:    MATH 3113 (ODE), 4163 (PDE), and 3333 (linear algebra); ENGR 3723 (numerical methods) or equivalent or permission of instructor.  Programming experience is useful. Not limited […]

Weather Radar Applications

Time: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12:00-12:50 Room: NWC 5930 Instructor: Chilson

Climate Dynamics

Time: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:00-2:50 Room: NWC 5930 Instructor: Martin

Advanced Statistical Meteorology

Time: Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:45 Room: NWC 5930 Instructor: Furtado   Course DescripCon Data analysis is a rou-ne part of many types of research in the atmospheric sciences. As such, having the right set of tools and the prowess on how to use those tools is an important part to understanding the behavior of the […]