
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Logan Roy – March 26


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Seminar   An Introduction to the Cloud Particle Model: A Novel Particle Based Cloud Microphysics Numerical Model Logan Roy Friday, March 26th 3:00 pm     Join Google Meet Numerical weather prediction and climate models have large uncertainties associated with representing clouds and microphysical properties and processes, which involve a […]

At 3:00 pm

David Nowicki – March 24


Weather and Climate Systems Seminar Information Content Analysis of Combined Lidar-Polarimeter Retrievals to Improve Aerosol Remote Sensing Accuracy David Nowicki Wednesday, March 24th 2:00 pm   Join Google Meet: Aerosols are small particles suspended in the atmosphere that affect global climate change by scattering and absorbing light. Additionally, the prevalence of some toxic aerosols […]

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John D’Alessandro – March 19


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Seminar Characterizing the occurrence and spatial heterogeneity of liquid, ice and mixed phase clouds over the Southern Ocean using in situ observations John D’Alessandro   Friday, March 19th 3:00pm Join Google Meet Low level clouds over the Southern Ocean are an essential component controlling the energy budget over the region, […]

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Logan Mitchell – March 17


Weather and Climate Systems Seminar Extending 4STAR Measurements and Retrievals from the 2016 ORACLES Campaign Logan Mitchell Wednesday, March 17th 2:00 pm   Join Google Meet: Aerosols play a complex role in Earth systems, cooling in certain contexts and warming in others, such that their radiative forcing remains a persistent climate modeling uncertainty. These […]

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Rachael Cross – March 12


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Seminar Exploring Observational Tornado Debris Signature Hypotheses Using Radar Simulations and Large-Eddy Simulations Rachael Cross Friday, March 12th 3:00pm   Join Google Meet Tornadoes can loft various types and sizes of debris, sometimes resulting in a polarimetric radar signature called the TDS (Tornado Debris Signature). The presence of a TDS in the radar data […]

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Margaret Hollis – March 10


Weather and Climate Systems Seminar   Global Analysis of Characteristics of Tropical Easterly Waves in MERRA-2 and Related Precipitation   Margaret Hollis   Wednesday, March 10th 2:00pm   Join Google Meet: Tropical easterly waves (TEWs) are important components of tropical convection and precipitation, and sometimes develop into tropical cyclones (TCs). African easterly waves (AEWs) […]

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Kevin Thiel – February 26


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Investigating GLM flash optical energy measurements with ABI and MRMS datasets Kevin Thiel Friday, February 26th 3:00 pm Join Google Meet Abstract: Recent deployment of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on the GOES-R series of satellites provides a new perspective of convection that can be utilized by the severe storms […]

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Noah Brauer – February 24


Weather and Climate Systems Seminar Classification and Quantification of Ice-phase Microphysics in Eastern United States Snowfall Events Using Ground and Satellite-borne Radar Retrievals Noah Brauer Wednesday, February 24th 2:00 pm Join Google Meet: Four different snowfall events were analyzed by looking at retrievals from the GPM DPR, the WSR-88D ground radar network, and the […]

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Jessica Blair – February 19


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Seminar   Modeling CCN effects on Electrification within High and Low Precipitation Supercells   Jessica Blair   Friday, February 19th 3:00pm   Join Google Meet   Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) affect both the electric and dynamic evolution of storms, but the effects on storm electrification in different storm modes have not […]

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Amanda Burke – February 12


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Seminar Preliminary Analysis of Hail Size Prediction using Deep Learning Models     Amanda Burke Friday, February 12th 3:30pm   Join Google Meet   Using Deep learning (DL) models to predict different atmospheric phenomena has rapidly grown in the past few years. The ability to learn both spatial and temporal data patterns, instead of distributions, highlights one reason why DL […]

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