
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Hongli Liu


Research Seminar Advancing large-domain process-based hydrologic modeling and prediction Hongli Liu Monday, May 6th NWC 1313 / 3:00 PM Abstract: Water cycle is the vehicle that delivers meteorological impacts to the land. Hydrologic observations and models underpin the understanding and management of water resources. My research works to advance large-domain process-based hydrologic simulation and prediction. […]

At 3:00 pm

Hongli Liu


Teaching Demonstration Unit Hydrograph Hongli Liu Monday, May 6th NWC 1120 /9:30 AM Abstract: A unit hydrograph is a graphical representation of the relationship between rainfall and resulting runoff from a specific watershed. In this class, you will discover how unit hydrographs help us predict flooding, design drainage systems, and manage water resources better. Through […]

At 9:30 am

Alec Prosser


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Describing the Evolution of Background Wind Fields in Supercell Environments; a Radar-Based Investigation   Alec Prosser Friday, May 3rd , 2024 NWC 1350 / 3:30 PM Abstract: Numerous research studies over the past two decades have investigated the role of low-level wind shear upon both mesocyclone intensity and tornado likelihood in supercellular […]

At 3:30 pm

Bobby Saba


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Mobile Lidar Observations of Supercell Inflow During the TORUS-LItE Field Campaign Bobby Saba NWC 1350 / 3:00 PM   Abstract:   During the Targeted Observations using Radars and UAS of Supercells – Left-flank Intensive Experiment (TORUS – LItE), the National Severe Storms Laboratory operated a single doppler wind lidar (DWL). The […]

At 3:00 pm

Katie Giannakopoulos


Weather and Climate Systems Katie Giannakopoulos Characterizing Wintertime Temperature Whiplash in the US Southern Plains May 1st, 2024 3:00 pm / NWC 1350 Abstract: Rapid extreme temperature swings, termed “temperature whiplashes”, can cause significant socioeconomic impacts on energy, agriculture, and transportation. Few studies have considered temperature whiplashes, however most consider global, continental, or other large […]

At 3:00 pm

Taozhong Huang


Weather and Climate Systems  A Comparison of MISR and MAIAC Surface Climatology and Conversion of Their Model Parameters  Taozhong Huang  Wednesday, May 1st  NWC 1350 / 3:00 PM Abstract:NASA’s MAIA (Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols) investigation will seek to understand how different types of aerosols affect human health. In order to better constrain aerosol properties in […]

At 3:00 pm

Lauren Pounds


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Lauren Pounds Creating a Database of Observed Soundings from the VORTEX-SE, meso18-19, and PERiLS Field Campaigns to Study Different Southeast US Convective Environments April 26th, 2024 3:30 pm / NWC 1350 Abstract: Observed soundings from field projects in the southeast U.S., including VORTEX-SE (2016–2020), meso18-19 (2018–2019), and PERiLS (2022–2023), are used […]

At 3:30 pm

Yu-Shin Kim


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Yu-Shin Kim Simultaneous Multi-scale Data Assimilation of GOES-16 ABI All-Sky Radiances for a Dryline Convection under Various Scale Forcings April 26th, 2024 3:00 pm / NWC 1350 Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of simultaneous Multi-scale Data Assimilation (MDA) of GOES-16 ABI infrared all-sky radiance on the dynamics of […]

At 3:00 pm

Daniel Kubalek


Master’s Thesis Defense impacts of multi-scale predictors on random forest based probabilistic forecasts of severe weather hazards  Friday, April 26th, 2024  NWC 1313 / 1:00 pm  If unable to attend in person Join Zoom:  Abstract: Machine learning (ML) algorithms utilized for post-processing of convection-allowing model/ensemble (CAM/CAE) output has been a major area of research […]

At 1:00 pm

Oluwafemi Omitusa


Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Oluwafemi Omitusa Characterizing the Effects of Land Cover Heterogeneity on Convective Cells and Precipitation in Houston, Texas April 25th, 2024 3:00 pm / NWC 1350 Abstract: Urbanization profoundly impacts local meteorology and precipitation processes, as urban landscapes modify heat, moisture, and momentum fluxes in the boundary layer. For example, past modeling […]

At 3:00 pm