
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Daniel Phoenix-April 17- Weather and Climate


Tropopause-penetrating convection is capable of rapidly transporting air from the lower troposphere to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Since the vertical redistribution of gases in the atmosphere by convection can have important impacts on the chemistry of the UTLS, the radiative budget, and climate, it has become a recent focus of observational and modeling studies.

At 12:00 am
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Dr. Leonard Smith- April 15


Abstract: A Geometric View of the Ins and Outs of Simulation-based Forecasting Leonard A Smith Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, LSE Pembroke College, Oxford. Since the 1950's weather forecasting (on every timescale) has been challenged by the nonlinearity of our models and the limits of our computational power. 

At 4:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Madeline Frank-School of Meteorology (Defense)


Even though the observed amplified warming trend in the Arctic region is well-established in theory through climate feedbacks and reproduced in global climate model projections, the same global climate models underestimate the corresponding decline in Arctic sea ice extent. Even some of the most sophisticated global climate models do not reproduce the observed characteristics or trends in present day Arctic cyclones.

At 10:00 am
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Amanda Burke – April 12


Using Machine Learning Applications and HREFv2 to Enhance Hail Prediction for Operations Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics) Amanda Burke April 12, 2019 3:00 pm/ NWC 5600 Abstract: Severe hail results in, on average, more than a billion dollars of damage within the continental United States each year. Thus, timely and accurate operational hail forecasts are vital […]

At 3:00 pm

Cameron Homeyer- April 11


Abstract: The tropopause separates the well-mixed troposphere, which is greatly impacted by day-to-day variations in the weather (cyclones, fronts, convection, breaking waves, etc.), from the stable layered stratosphere, which is often slow to change and retains much of its characteristics for long time periods (months to years).

At 4:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Noah Brauer – April 10


Quantifying Precipitation Efficiency and the Drivers of Excessive Precipitation in Post-Landfall Hurricane Harvey Weather and Climate Systems Noah Brauer April 10, 2019 3:00pm/ NWC 5600 Abstract: Hurricane Harvey produced widespread rainfall amounts over 100 cm to portions of Southeast Texas, including Houston from 26-31 August 2017. The highly efficient and prolonged warm rain processes associated […]

At 3:00 pm