
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Addison Alford- Feb 27- Weather and Climate


Abstract: The Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching radars observed five landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) from 2016-2018. The observations were largely targeted toward understanding asymmetric convective and dynamic processes. Such processes are thought to lead to the intensification of the TC primary tangential circulation, affect the distribution of extreme winds, and promote locally heavy rainfall. Relative to more traditional, aircraft-based analyses, the SMART radar datasets afford continuous high temporal and spatial resolution observations. These observations can be used to compliment and extend aircraft observed and numerically simulated TC processes.

At 3:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Dylan Lusk- Feb 20


Weather and Climate Systems Seminar A Climatology of TPVs in the ERA-Interim Dataset Dylan Lusk Wednesday, February 20th 3:00pm/NWC 5600   Tropopause Polar Vortices, or TPVs, are long-lived, coherent vortices located primarily on the tropopause over polar regions. These upper level features have been identified as important dynamical predecessors to surface cyclogenesis for some time, […]

At 2:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072