
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Vanna C. Chmielewski- Feb 1- Convective Meteorology


Anomalous charge structures, those containing net positive charge in the mid-levels (-10 °C to -30 °C) and promoting positive cloud-to-ground flashes, have been associated with updrafts producing abundant supercooled liquid water. However, surrounding the updraft core many processes act to limit supercooled liquid water content (e.g. locally lower updraft velocities, ingestion of cloud ice, entrainment) […]

At 3:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072

Ryan Pajela- Weather and Climate Seminar


Weather and Climate Seminar   Characterization of the Structure of Tropopause Polar Vortices using Remote Sensing   Ryan Pajela Wednesday, January 30th 3:00pm/NWC 5930     Tropopause polar vortices (TPVs) are atmospheric coherent vortex-like structures originating poleward of the jet stream and exhibit a closed circulation of the wind along the 2-PVU dynamic tropopause.  Cyclonic […]

At 3:00 pm
120 David L Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072