
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Yujia You-June 18


The South Pacific atmospheric internal variability and its role in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation

At 1:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5820, Norman, OK 73072

Jacob Carlin-May 4


The Use of Polarimetric Radar Data for Informing Numerical Weather Prediction Models

At 3:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Rooom 5600, Norman, OK 73068

Paul Flanagan-May 2


Critical Atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature Linkages to United States Great Plains Pluvial Years

At 3:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5930, Norman, OK 73072

Greg Blumberg-May 2


Observations and Simulations of Moisture Changes Occurring Around Sunset in the Southern Great Plains

At 1:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 3620, Norman, OK 73068

Tyler Bell-April 27


Analysis of Flow and Thermodynamic Characteristics at a Complex Site

At 2:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5600, Norman, OK 73072

Rachel Miller-April 27


Kinematics, Thermodynamics, and Microphysics of the 25-26 June 2015 Kansas MCS during PECAN

At 1:00 pm
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5820, Norman, OK 73072