
All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Dr. David Karoly-May 9 Colloquium


Decadal variability in the Southern Hemisphere over the last millennium: paleoclimate reconstructions and evaluating climate model simulations

At 4:00 pm
National Weather Center, Room 1313, 120 David L Boren Blvd, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072

Brett Roberts-May 5


The Role of Surface Drag in Supercell Tornadogenesis and Mesocyclogenesis: Insights from Idealized Simulations

At 3:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren, Rm. 5600, Norman, OK 73072

Matthew Morris-May 5


Assessing the Impact of Non-Conventional Observations on High-Resolution Analyses and Forecasts

At 9:00 am
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 4140, Norman, OK 73071

Paul Flanagan-May 3


Primary Atmospheric Drivers of Pluvial Years in the Great Plain of the United States

At 3:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren, Suite 5930, Norman, OK 73072

Kevin Reza Haghi-May 3


Contextualizing the presence of bores in the Southern Great Plains and proposing a method for forecasting bore-initiated convection

At 2:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5600, Norman, OK 73071

Matthew Morris-April 28


Assessing the Impact of Non-Conventional Observations on High-Resolution Analyses and Forecasts

At 3:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren, Rm. 5600, Norman, OK 73072

Jinxin Wang-April 28


Urban Heat Island in the Dallas-Fort Worth during Dry and Wet Summers: An Evaluation of Single-layer and Multi-layer Urban Canopy Models

At 2:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5600, Norman, OK 73071

Brett Roberts-May 1


The Role of Surface Drag in Supercell Tornadogenesis and Mesocyclogenesis: Studies based on Idealized Numerical Simulations

At 9:00 am
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 4140, Norman, OK 73071

Montgomery Flora April 27


Supercell Predictability: Exploring Ensemble Sensitivity to Initial Condition Spread

At 9:00 am
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Room 5820, Norman, OK 73072

Addison Alford-April 26


Integrated Ground-Based Radar, Aircraft, and In Situ Observations of Hurricanes Hermine and Matthew

At 3:00 pm
National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren, Suite 5930, Norman, OK 73072