Info for NWC Visitors

All visitors to the NWC without approved and displayed credentials (OU, NOAA, or Research Campus badges), will be required to register upon arrival and before gaining access to the event.


Colloquium and Seminar Series

The National Weather Center Colloquium and Seminar Series are open to all interested persons. Colloquium and Series coordinator is Evgeni Fedorovich. Colloquium sessions are held on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm in NWC 1313, unless otherwise noted. To receive announcements of upcoming colloquium or seminar talks via email, contact Debbie Barnhill. If you are interested in giving a seminar, please contact the conveners of the corresponding seminar series. Please use this form to submit information about a seminar you are giving. The form is only accessible from within the National Weather Center.


National Weather Center Colloquium

Renowned speakers are invited to the Norman weather community for scientific presentations and personal interactions.



Theresa Lincheck

At 10:00 am
School of Meteorology (Defense)

National Weather Center Seminar Series

Radar and Remote Sensing (ARRC Seminar Series)
Conveners: Ashley Hill ( & Guifu Zhang (
Thursdays @ 1:15 pm, NWC 1350

Weather and Climate Systems
Convener: Cameron Homeyer (
Wednesdays @ 1:00 pm, NWC 5600

Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology, and Land-Surface Processes
Conveners: Alan Shapiro ( & Elizabeth Smith (
Fridays @ 2:00 pm, NWC 5600
Seminar series website

Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)
Convener: Thomas Jones (
Fridays @ 3:00 pm, NWC 5600

Mesonet Colloquium
Convener: Chris Fiebrich (

Event Archive