Weather and Climate Systems

All Faculty Meeting Teaching Demonstration Student Org Events Career Development School of Meteorology Colloquium Social Event/Celebration Academic Calendar National Weather Center Colloquia Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology and Land-Surface Processes School of Meteorology (Defense) Weather and Climate Systems Convective Meteorology (Mesoscale Dynamics)

Ty Dickinson – April 20

Weather and Climate Systems Forecasting Subseasonal Extreme Precipitation in the Contiguous United States: Examining the Utility of Random Forests Ty Dickinson Wednesday, April 20 03:00 PM Join Google Meet: Extreme precipitation across multiple timescales is a natural hazard that poses a significant risk to life, with a commensurately large cost through property loss. This study […]

By David Goines |

Maresa Searls – April 13

Weather and Climate Systems Assessing Precipitation Delineation Capabilities of Spaceborne Radars Maresa Searls Wednesday, April 13 03:00 PM Online Precipitation is a primary source of freshwater, is a component of multiple Earth cycles, and has important impacts from natural hazards. Knowing when, where, and how much precipitation is falling is crucial for understanding Earth’s global […]

By David Goines |

Steven Jester – April 6

Weather and Climate Systems Constraint of Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) parameters using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique Steven Jester Wednesday, April 6 03:00 PM Online The Vegetation and Respiration Model (VPRM) is a land-surface model that simulates the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is done by using certain meteorological parameters […]

By David Goines |

Emily Lenhardt – March 30

Weather and Climate Systems Relationships between Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations and Lidar Observables for Specific Aerosol types and their Applications in Evaluating Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Emily Lenhardt Wednesday, March 30 3:00 PM Join Google Meet! Aerosols that activate to become cloud droplets, termed cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), provide the direct microphysical link that drive aerosol-cloud interactions […]

By David Goines |

Tomer Burg – March 23

Weather and Climate Systems Sensitivity of the February 2021 U.S. Cold-Air Outbreak to Tropopause Polar Vortex Intensity Tomer Burg Wednesday, March 23 3:00 PM Tropopause Polar Vortices (TPVs) are coherent vortices along the tropopause, with cyclonic TPVs identified by a local minimum in temperature and local maximum in potential vorticity along the dynamic tropopause. TPVs […]

By David Goines |

Noah Brauer – March 23

Weather and Climate Systems Hurricane Laura (2020): A Comparison of Drop Size Distribution Moments Using Ground and Radar Remote Sensing Retrieval Methods Noah Brauer Wednesday, March 23 3:00 PM NWC Hurricane Laura was the strongest hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana since 1969 with maximum sustained winds of 130 knots. One University of Oklahoma Shared […]

By David Goines |

Oliver T Millin – March 9

Weather and Climate Systems The Stratospheric Processes Influencing Cold Air Outbreaks in the Great Plains of the United States Oliver T Millin Wednesday, March 9 03:00 PM Join Google Meet! Wintertime cold air outbreaks (CAOs) are extreme cold events involving the displacement of cold air into the midlatitudes from a polar origin. CAOs in […]

By David Goines |

Chris Rattray – February 23

Weather and Climate Systems Forecasting the Forecast with Deep Learning Chris Rattray Wednesday, February 23 3:30 PM Global numerical weather prediction systems produce occasional significant drops in the accuracy of their forecasts often referred to as “forecast busts” in the literature. Despite recent efforts, understanding the causes of these forecast failures remains challenging, but essential. […]

By David Goines |

Amanda Murphy – February 23

Weather and Climate Systems Discussion and Analysis of the GridRad-Severe Dataset and Methodology Amanda Murphy Wednesday, February 23 03:00 PM Join Google Meet! Many studies have aimed to identify novel characteristics of storms that are indicative of current or future severe weather potential. Such fine-scale analyses are often limited to a handful of case […]

By David Goines |

Taozhong Huang – February 16

Weather and Climate Systems A Correlation-based Inversion Method for Aerosol Property (CIMAP) Retrieval: A Case Study Using AERONET and POLDER Measurements Taozhong Huang Wednesday, February 16 03:00 PM Online Aerosol remote sensing often involves a large volume of spatial and temporal data to be processed. Both retrieval efficiency and accuracy are essential. To this end, […]

By David Goines |